Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Slowing My Decline

Typically, eating right and exercising gets you more and more fit and into shape. Pregnancy gets you less and less fit and less into shape- well into a rounder shape. I've been doing both. I've been very conciencious to take it easy and I've had to adapt my exercising because of my growing belly. I have, however, still been exercising.

I've changed my outlook. I'm certainly not trying to lose weight anymore (I've gained almost 15 pounds already). Now I exercise to slow my decline. It's certainly working. Despite my weight gain, I look and feel so much better than I did with previous pregnancies. (Hopefully I can avoid gaining quite so much as well.) I still get a little winded when I run up the stairs or am carrying a child up the stairs, but I remember getting out of breath even easier with those past pregnancies.

I've been doing The Couch Potato to Runner Program, but I'm even taking that slowly. I did week two for two weeks. I may not ever be able to keep up a very fast pace while pregnant. Even if I never get beyond sprint/walk/jog intervals for any duration of time, I am still WAY BETTER OFF than I would be if I didn't try.

I imagine that most of you are not pregnant, but the idea still applies. Do what you can. Even if it's not as much as you wish you could do. Even if you only have 20 minutes, that's better than nothing. Doing something will be so much better for your health and almost even more so for your confidence. Prove to yourself that you don't give up even when things are hard.

++Have twenty minutes to work on your arms, try this.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jen, I love to read your posts! I wanted to post about the Kristi Approved Giveaway I am doing on my blog right now. It Ends the 28th and I have a friend who did it after her 2nd and within 11 weeks she had lost the weight and she added meals while nursing! I would love to see you win! Go to http://www.whatisolove.blogspot.com to enter to win. You can post it on your blog too!
