Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's So Easy to Get Discouraged

In these days of instant technology, sometimes it's hard to be patient. It's hard to convince myself to run just one more mile or to stay away from the sweets, because the results aren't instantaneous. It may take several days to even lose one pound. I have to sacrifice the delicious taste of chocolate now to be in better shape later.

Comparing yourself to others is never a good idea. It's almost always discouraging to at least one of you. It's tricky when you know people who seem to have things so easy. It may not be true, in fact I'm sure it's not, but it seems that way sometimes. It can be rather disheartening. It's much better to compare yourself to an earlier you and see your progress. For weight loss, think of your fattest you and the progress you've made. Think of how ridiculously out of shape you were at your worst point and how far you've come. NOW THAT IS ENCOURAGING!

For those of you you know me well, know that I am really into self-discipline. I like to be proactive and use my time and resources well. For the most part, I look at my weight-loss/fitness goals as another way to demonstrate my self-discipline. I don't have a personal trainer, but I don't need one. I have the basic knowledge and can push myself. I can think back to mid-January when I was six weeks postpartum after baby number two. I weighed 192 pounds and it was all I could do to jog 2/3 mile pushing my double stroller. I've lost over 25 pounds and today I jogged with my enormous stroller for five miles. I still have plenty of room for improvement in speed, but look how far I've come.

If you get discouraged, which all of us will, just look back on what you have accomplished. Don't worry if your progress isn't the same as someone else, just do what you can. If you let your motivation slide for a few days, try to get it back. You'll be so glad.

There are actually benefits to having been overweight and "earned" yourself into shape. #1 You deserve to be proud of your accomplishment. It isn't easy and you are doing it. What self-discipline!
#2 You can have more self-confidence. If you can do something as hard as getting into shape, you can do anything. Plus, you'll look way better than before, so you won't be self-conscious.
#3 Hopefully you're lucky like me and know for a fact that people still loved you when you were overweight. Likely your friends love you for who you are and not just because your so good-looking. I am so grateful, by the way, that my sweet husband made me feel beautiful, even when I was a 210 pound pregnant woman. What a great guy!

Don't get discouraged and try to stay motivated. Keep up the great work!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you know this is EXACTLY what I needed to read right now. I had talked myself out of jogging this morning and got on the computer instead, but now I'm logging off and I'm gonna go!!

    Thanks for continuous inspiration! I wish we lived by each other so we could work out together! You're my hero!!! :)

